Tax Summary Reports

The Taxes section consists of the following reports:

Overseas Tax Summary Report

The Overseas Tax Summary report summarizes the taxes you’ve charged for supply of digital services to your overseas customers.

To view the overseas tax summary report:


The overseas tax summary report will contain the details of the: 

Category Description
Consumption Country The country of the customer who has purchased your digital service.
Tax Name The name of the tax that is applied on the sale of digital service.
Currency The currency that is used by the customer.
Taxable Amount The total value of the services offered that is taxable.
Tax Amount The value of tax payable on the Taxable Amount.

Note: The Taxable Amount and the Tax Amount will be displayed in the respective foreign currencies.

You can run this report based on the following filters:

Field Description
Date Range Select the time period for which you want to generate the report.
Report Basis Accrual: Values are generated when the transactions are created.Cash: Values are generated when they receive the cash.

You can download this report by clicking Export As in the top right corner of the page and selecting the file format which you want to download.

You can also print the report by clicking the Print icon in the top right side of the page.

VAT Moss Report

The VAT Moss Report summarizes the tax details based on the place of supply for the digital services you offer to your customers in the EU member states.

To view the VAT Moss report:


The VAT Moss report will be categorized based on the: 

Category Description
Member State of Consumption The EU member state of the customer who has purchased your digital services.
Tax Name The name of the tax that is going to be applied on the sale of digital service.
Taxable Amount The total amount of the services offered that is taxable.
Tax Amount The payable amount after applying the tax rate to the Taxable amount.

Note: The Taxable amount and the Tax amount will be displayed in the respective foreign currency.

You can run this report based on the following filters:

Field Description
Date Range Select the time period for which you want to generate the report.
Report Basis Accrual: Values are generated when the transactions are created.Cash: Values are generated when they receive the cash.

You can download this report by clicking Export As in the top right corner of the page and selecting the file format on which you want to download.

You can also print the report by clicking the Print icon on the top right side of the page.

OSS/IOSS Scheme Report

The OSS/IOSS Scheme Report gives you a summary of the tax applied on transactions as per the OSS/IOSS scheme.

To view this report:

Column Description
Member State Of Consumption The country into which the goods and services are imported.
VAT The VAT rate applied for a particular country.
Taxable Amount The total amount for which you have sold your goods and services.
Tax Amount The tax applied on the total taxable amount for that country.

You can also customize this report to filter and view specific parts of the report.

Customize Report

Customizing a report allows you to view the tax applied on transactions as per OSS/IOSS scheme during a specific period.

To customize the report:

Fields Description
Date Range Select the period for which you want to generate the report.
Report Basis Select if you want the report to be generated on an Accrual or Cash basis.

Reverse Charge Summary Report

The Reverse Charge Summary report summarizes the tax details of all the purchase transactions for which you have recorded the reverse charge.

To view the Reverse Charge Summary report:

Reverse Charge Summary report
Category Description
Taxable Amount (Tax Payable) The total value of the transaction that is taxable.
Tax Payable The value of tax payable on the taxable amount.
Taxable Amount (Claimable) The total value of the transaction for which you can claim tax.
Tax Claimable The tax claim’s value on the Taxable Amount (Tax Claimable).
Net Tax Amount The net amount for which you have to pay tax.

Click any highlighted amount in the Reverse Charge Summary report to view the purchase transactions created under a particular tax.

To customize this report:

Customizing Reverse Charge Summary report

You can customize the report based on the following filters:

Filters Description
Date Range Select the period for which you want to generate the report.
Report Basis Select if you want the report to be generated on an Accrual or Cash basis.
Entities Select the purchase transactions for which you want to generate the report.
Customize Reverse Charge Summary report

Sales Reverse Charge Summary Report

The Sales Reverse Charge Summary report summarizes the tax details of all the sales transactions for which you have recorded the reverse charge.

To view the Sales Reverse Charge Summary report:

Sales Reverse Charge Summary report
Category Description
Taxable Amount The total value of the transaction that is taxable.
Tax Amount The value of tax payable on the taxable amount.

Click any highlighted amount in the report to view the list of sales transactions created under a particular tax.

To customize this report:

Customizing Sales Reverse Charge Summary report

You can customize the report based on the following filters:

Filters Description
Date Range Select the period for which you want to generate the report.
Report Basis Select if you want the report to be generated on an Accrual or Cash basis.
Entities Select the sales transactions for which you want to generate the report.
Customize Sales Reverse Charge Summary report

Fichier des Écritures Comptables

If your business is based in France, you are required to file the FEC report to comply with tax regulations. This report contains all the accounting entries for your business during a fiscal year. You can now generate your FEC reports directly from your Zoho Books organization.

Note: This feature is available in early access for organizations that have their Organization Location set to France. To enable it, contact us at

Generate FEC Report

To generate your FEC report:

Note: Before generating your FEC report, make sure the GL Audit Numbers for your transactions have been created. If they haven’t been generated yet, click Generate GL Audit Numbers in the pop-up and then select New Sequence.

Once the generation is complete, you will receive a notification. Click the Download icon to save the FEC report to your device. The file name will follow the format SirenFECYYYYMMDD. If VAT is not enabled or an incorrect VAT number has been entered, the file name will appear in the FECYYYYMMDD format instead. You can edit the file name if needed.

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