Integrate Zoho Billing with QuickBooks Online

Integrating Zoho Billing with QuickBooks Online helps businesses automate invoicing, payments, and accounting while ensuring data accuracy. This integration syncs invoices, payments, and customer details in real time, reducing manual entry and minimizing errors. It also simplifies tax compliance, revenue tracking, reconciliation, and financial reporting, making financial management more efficient.

By integrating Zoho Billing with Quickbooks Online, you can:


  • You must have an active account with QuickBooks Online.
  • You cannot connect multiple QuickBooks organizations to your Zoho Billing organization and vice versa.
  • Your QuickBooks organization with which you wish to integrate, must have the country as the same country as your organization.
  • Ensure that the base currency of both these organizations is the same.

Set Up the Integration

Here’s how to set up the integration:

You will then be redirected back to your Zoho Billing account, where you can configure the integration.

Configure the Integration

Now that you’ve connected Zoho Billing with QuickBooks Online, you can go on and choose what data should be imported from and exported to QuickBooks Online.

Importing from QuickBooks Online

Since you need to account for your transactions in Zoho Billing, you need to import the accounts and customers (if any) you have in QuickBooks.

Import from QBO

Exporting to QuickBooks Online

Since QuickBooks is the accounting software, you can export your Zoho Billing transactions to QuickBooks so that they’ll be accounted for properly.

Mapping Taxes

To ensure that the taxes in your transactions exported to QuickBooks are mapped correctly with your existing taxes in QuickBooks account, you can map the taxes present in both the apps.

Note: When mapping taxes, ensure that both taxes have the same tax rates.

View Integration Details

After you finish configuring the integration, you can view the details of the integration from the details page.

From the details page, you can also check when the next sync will occur, the last synced time, and view the history of all syncs between your Zoho Billing and QuickBooks Online. You can also check if your transactions and customers are synced properly, from the History section at the bottom of the integration details page. If few transactions could not be synced, it will be listed here as well.

Adding Items from QuickBooks Online

When you export a transaction from Zoho Billing to QuickBooks, the items included in it will be synced to QuickBooks as well. Your other items in Zoho Billing will not be available in QuickBooks.

But the already existing items in Quickbooks is not imported in Zoho Billing. You will have to import your existing items in QuickBooks into Zoho Billing. To do this:

Sync between Zoho Billing and QuickBooks Online

Zoho Billing syncs with the transactions and contacts from QuickBooks Online. The following lists out the sync details.

Sync between Zoho Billing and QuickBooks Online

Transactions such as invoices with payments are synced from Zoho Billing to QuickBooks Online. This sync happens instantaneously, that is, whenever you create an invoice in Zoho Billing, they will be synced to QuickBooks immediately.

The following table lists out how the transactions are synced between Zoho Billing and QuickBooks Online.

Zoho Billing QuickBooks Online Sync Type
Chart of Accounts Chart of Accounts Two-way sync
Create a Customer Creates a new contact. Two-way sync
Create an invoice Creates a new invoice. One-way sync
Update an invoice Updates the corresponding invoice. One-way sync
Delete or void an invoice The invoice will be voided. One-way sync
Write off an invoice A credit note will be created, and the credits will be associated with the invoice. One-way sync
Record a payment for an invoice Creates a payment and associates it with the invoice. One-way sync
Update the payment for an invoice Updates the payment recorded for the corresponding invoice. One-way sync
Delete the payment associated with an invoice Deletes payment for the corresponding invoice. One-way sync
Create a credit note Creates a new credit note. One-way sync
Update a credit note Updates the corresponding credit note. One-way sync
Allocate credits from a credit note to an invoice Allocates the credits from the corresponding credit note to the specified invoice. One-way sync
Delete a credit note Deletes the corresponding credit note. One-way sync
Create a refund for a credit note Creates a refund for that corresponding credit note. One-way sync
Update a credit note refund Updates the corresponding credit note refund. One-way sync
Delete a credit note refund Deletes the corresponding credit note refund. One-way sync

Sync Details of Invoice

Invoices created in Zoho Billing will be exported to QuickBooks Online along with their payments.

The following table lists out the fields in an invoice that are mapped with the one created in QuickBooks.

Zoho Billing QuickBooks Online
Invoice Number Invoice no.
Invoice Date Invoice date
Currency Code Currency code
Exchange Rate Currency exchange
Item Name Product/Service
Item Description Description
Item Rate Rate
Item Quantity Qty
Discount Discount (QuickBooks Online doesn’t support line item level discounts. All the item level discounts will be added and displayed as a total discount for the invoice.)
Tax Tax
Shipping Charges Shipping
Adjustment Adjustment (Will be added as a separate line item)

Sync Details of Customers

Your customer details will be synced from QuickBooks Online to Zoho Billing. A contact created in QuickBooks as a Customer will be imported into Zoho Billing as a new Customer. Whenever a customer is added, edited, or deleted in QuickBooks, it will be reflected in Zoho Billing through automatic sync that occurs once a day or the manual sync option.

The following table lists out how each customer’s details are reflected from QuickBooks Online to Zoho Billing.

QuickBooks Online Zoho Billing
Display name Display Name
Email Email Address
Phone Phone
Mobile Mobile
Website Website URL
Billing address Billing Address
Shipping Address Shipping Address
Currency Code Currency

Disable Integration

If you want to pause the data sync for sometime instead of deleting the integration completely, you can disable the integration. Your integration details will not be deleted, and you can activate the integration any time.

To disable the integration:

Your integration will now be disabled, and you will not be able to account for your transactions. You can always click Enable Integration to re-activate the integration.

Delete Integration

If you want to stop using QuickBooks Online for accounting and would like to disconnect it from your Zoho Billing Organization, you can delete the integration. Once you delete it, customers and transactions will no longer be synced between both the apps, and the integration details will also be deleted.

To delete the integration with QuickBooks Online:

The integration will now be deleted, but all your accounts and customers that are already synced from QuickBooks Online will continue to remain active in Zoho Billing.

Note: If you want to integrate another Zoho Billing organization with QuickBooks Online, you can delete the current integration and set it up again with the new organization.

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