Convert to Invoice
Once the customer accepts the quote or you mark it as accepted and the work is complete, you can convert it to an invoice. Here’s how:
- Go to Sales on the left sidebar, and select Quotes.
- Select the quote you want to convert to an invoice.
- In the Details page, click Convert and select Convert to Invoice in the dropdown.
- You’ll now be redirected to the New Invoice page. Fill in the following fields:
- Customer Name: Verify and update, if needed.
- Invoice#: This will be auto-populated, but you can enter it manually if needed.
- Invoice Date: Select the creation date of the invoice.
- Review and update other necessary details.
- Click Save as Draft to save it as a draft, or Save and Send to save and send it to the customer.
Now, after converting the quote into an invoice and saving it as a draft or sending it to the customer, the quote will be marked as Invoiced.
Pro Tip: If you’ve enabled Progress Invoice, clicking Convert to Invoice will open a popup. In this popup, click Invoice the entire amount to create an invoice for the entire quote amount.