
The Payables section contains a list of reports that show all the money you owe to your vendors or suppliers from various sources.

Vendor Balance Summary

A Vendor Balance Summary is a financial report that provides an overview of the amounts you owe to your vendors or suppliers.

To generate this report:

Let us take a look at the different sections that this report contains:

Field Description
Vendor Name The vendor to whom you owe money.
Billed Amount The total amount that a vendor has invoiced you for goods or services provided.
Amount Paid The total amount paid to a vendor for the selected date range.
Closing Balance The total amount you need to pay to a vendor at the end of a specified period.

To customize this report:

You will be able to find two sections:


Under General, you will be able to customize the report based on the following filters:

Filter Description
As of Date Date Range
Date Range Select the time period for generating the report. This can be for the current or previous period/year, or you can specify a custom time period of your choice.
Group By The report’s columns will be grouped by the options that you select.
Exclude vendors with zero closing balance Check the option if you want to exclude vendors for whom you owe no money at the end of a specified period.
Advanced Filters You can further filter your report based on Vendor Name, Branch and Reporting Tag or Vendors.

Show/ Hide Columns

In this section, you can choose the columns to be displayed in the report.

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