Payments Received

Once you record payment for an invoice, it will be saved in the Payments Received tab.

View Payments Received

You can view the payments received for your invoices in two ways:

Payments Received

Alternatively, you can:

Edit Payments Received

You can change the amount or other details of the payment that you have recorded for an invoice. Here’s how:

Edit Payments Received

You can also edit the payments received directly by going to SalesPayments Received.

Delete Payments Received

To delete the payment received for any invoice:

Delete Payments Received

You can also delete the Payments Received directly by going to SalesPayments Received.

Payments Received Preferences

In the Payments Received module, you can add additional fields from the ones that already exist. These fields are called Custom Fields.

To add a custom field:

Payments Made Preferences
Fields Description
Label name Enter a name for your custom field.
Data Type Select the appropriate data type for your custom field.
Is this PII? If the field is a Personally Identifiable Information (PII), then select the appropriate method to store it.
Is Mandatory Select this option if the custom field is mandatory.
Show in all PDF Select this option if you want the field to be displayed in your transaction PDFs.
New Custom Field

You can perform various functions on the custom field by hovering over it and clicking Edit or the drop-down icon.

Custom Field Actions

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