Zoho Inventory

Integrate Zoho Inventory With Twilio

Twilio is a cloud communications platform that, when integrated with Zoho Inventory, allows you to notify invoice creation and payment receipt notifications to your customers via phone calls, SMS and other communication functions using web service APIs.



Connect with Twilio

To integrate with Twilio:

  1. Log in to Zoho Inventory.

  2. Go to Settings, Integrations, then SMS Integrations.

  3. Click the Connect button next to Twilio. If you don’t have an account with Twilio, you can click on Sign Up Now to create one.

    Twilio Connect
  4. Enter your Account SID, Auth Token, and Phone Number.

  5. Click Connect with Twilio.

  6. After successfully connecting with Twilio, click the Configure button. You’ll be redirected to the SMS Templates page, where you can enable the required notifications.

    Twilio Configure

Learn how you can send SMS to your customers from Zoho Inventory.

Delete Twilio

If you no longer want to send SMS through Twilio, you can delete the integration. Here’s how:

  1. Log in to Zoho Inventory.

  2. Go to Settings, Integrations, then SMS Integrations.

  3. Click the Trash bin button next to Twilio.

    Twilio Delete Integration
  4. Click Delete to confirm your action.