Course Listing

The purpose of this API is to get the list of courses.

Request URL:<networkurl>/course
OAuth Scope:ZohoLearn.course.READ
Request Method:GET
pageIndexThe page number. The default value is 0.Optional
limitThe number of courses to get. Maximum value is 99. Default value is 20.Optional
sortBySort the list using "alpha" for the alphabetical order or "recent" for the last modified order.Optional
isAscBoolean value for ascending order.Optional

"learn" for viewing courses in My Learning
"author" for viewing courses in My Authoring

"discover" for viewing courses in Explore

"all" for viewing all courses

"learn" is set as default

categoryIdsArray of category ids to filter courses.Optional
subcategoryIdsArray of sub category ids to filter courses.Optional
tagIdsArray of tag ids to filter courses.Optional
createdByIdsZuid of the user who created the course.Optional




    "status": "OK",
    "data": [
            "durationText": "1h:10m",
            "clients": [],
            "attachments": [],
            "bannerUrl": "//",
            "description": "Brief Description of the Course",
            "colorIndex": "3",
            "articleCount": "0",
            "type": "COURSE",
            "expiryLongTime": "1690741800000",
            "userExpiryLongTime": "1690741800000",
            "duration": {
                "hours": 1,
                "seconds": 0,
                "minutes": 10
            "members": "[]",
            "reportsViewAccessLevel": [],
            "canFavourite": "true",
            "createdTime": "12 Jul, 03:52 AM",
            "userExpiryTime": "30 Jul, 12:30 PM",
            "id": "6342496000000086001",
            "bannerThumbUrl": "//",
            "certificateTemplateId": "37315000000002001",
            "flow": "RESTRICTED",
            "createdUser": "799705715",
            "learnerCount": "0",
            "clientsCount": "0",
            "nameTile": "C",
            "completionType": "LEARNERS_CAN_MARK_COMPLETE",
            "url": "course-1",
            "tags": [],
            "lessonCount": "8",
            "metaInfo": {
                "courseSettings": {
                    "isRatingEnabled": "true"
                "theme": {
                    "showBannerInSidebar": "false",
                    "bannerOverlayPercentage": "30%"
                "courseCompletionConsent": {
                    "courseCompletionConsentTheme": "3",
                    "courseCompletionConsentMessage": "I assure that I've read and understood this lesson.",
                    "courseCompletionConsentMandatoryEnable": "true",
                    "courseCompletionConsentEnable": "true"
            "learnerStatus": "0.0",
            "coAuthors": [],
            "learners": [],
            "createdUserDetails": {
                "role": "MEMBER",
                "name": "James Arthur",
                "colorIndex": "1",
                "emailId": "",
                "id": "799705715",
                "type": "MEMBER",
                "learnerCourseStatus": "YET_TO_START",
                "status": "ACTIVE",
                "learnerCourseProgress": "0.0"
            "publishedByDetails": {
                "role": "MEMBER",
                "name": "James Arthur",
                "colorIndex": "1",
                "emailId": "",
                "id": "799705715",
                "type": "MEMBER",
                "learnerCourseStatus": "YET_TO_START",
                "status": "ACTIVE",
                "learnerCourseProgress": "0.0"
            "meta": {
                "COURSE_SETTINGS": {
                    "IS_RATING_ENABLED": "true"
                "THEME": {
                    "SHOW_BANNER_IN_SIDEBAR": "false",
                    "BANNER_OVERLAY_PERCENTAGE": "30%"
                "COURSE_COMPLETION_CONSENT": {
                    "COURSE_COMPLETION_CONSENT_ENABLE": "true",
                    "COURSE_COMPLETION_CONSENT_THEME": "3",
                    "COURSE_COMPLETION_CONSENT_MESSAGE": "I assure that I've read and understood this lesson."
            "certificateTemplateName": "Course 1_certificate",
            "expiryTime": "30 Jul, 12:30 PM",
            "name": "Course 1",
            "enrollmentType": "ON_REQUEST",
            "intAccessLevelToViewReports": "0",
            "learnerCourseStatus": "INPROGRESS",
            "lessons": [],
            "status": "ACTIVE"
    "dashboard": {
        "yetToStartCourses": "0",
        "completedCourses": "0",
        "inProgressCourses": "1",
        "totalCourses": "1",
        "failedCourses": "0"

Sample URL
