Transfer and Delete a Pipeline
To delete a pipeline and transfer the associated stages to another pipeline.
Request Details
Request URL
Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken <access_token>
- layout_idstring, mandatory
The unique ID of the layout that the pipeline was created in.
Sample Request
Copiedcurl ""
-H "Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken 1000.8cb99dxxxxxxxxxxxxx9be93.9b8xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxf"
-d "@input.json"
Request JSON
- pipelineJSON object, mandatory
The IDs of the pipelines that you want to transfer the deals from and to, respectively. This object contains the following keys:
- from - string, mandatory - The ID of the pipeline you want to delete and transfer the associated deals from.
- to - string, mandatory - The ID of the pipeline you want to transfer deals to from another pipeline.
- stagesJSON array, mandatory
The stages in the pipeline you want to map to the new one. This array contains the following keys:
- from - string, mandatory - The ID of the stage in the pipeline you want to delete.
- to - string, mandatory - The ID of the stage in the new pipeline you want to map the old one with.
Sample Input
"transfer_pipeline": [
"pipeline": {
"from": "3652397000003712004",
"to": "3652397000003097007"
"stages": [
"from": "3652397000000006817",
"to": "3652397000000006819"
Possible Errors
You have not included either the JSON object "pipeline" or the "stages" array in the input.
Resolution: Include the "pipeline" JSON object and the "stages" array with the required keys and their values. - INVALID_DATAHTTP 400
The ID of the layout is invalid.
Resolution: Provide a valid layout ID. - INVALID_DATAHTTP 400
Either the "from" or "to" ID is invalid in the input.
Resolution: Refer to the "details" key int he response for the API name of the invalid key, and provide a valid input. - REQUIRED_PARAM_MISSINGHTTP 400
You have not included the mandatory parameter "layout_id" in your request.
Resolution: Specify valid layout ID in the request.
Sample Response
"transfer_pipeline": [
"code": "SUCCESS",
"details": {
"job_id": "3652397000003737002"
"message": "transfer pipeline scheduled successfully",
"status": "success"