Update Global Picklist


To update a global picklist or global set.

Request Details

Request URL



Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken d92d4xxxxxxxxxxxxx15f52


scope = ZohoCRM.settings.global_picklist.UPDATE 
scope = ZohoCRM.settings.global_picklist.ALL

Supported modules

Leads, Contacts, Accounts, Campaigns, Cases, Invoices, Deals, Price Books, Products, Purchase Orders, Quotes, Sales Orders, Solutions, Vendors, Calls, Tasks, Events, Users, DealHistory, QuotedItems, OrderedItems, PurchaseItems, InvoicedItems, Visits, Services, Appointments, and Custom. 

Sample Request

Copiedcurl "https://www.zohoapis.com/crm/v7/settings/global_picklists/2423488000000725001"
-d "@input.json"
-H "Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken 1000.8cb99dxxxxxxxxxxxxx9be93.9b8xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxf"

Input JSON Keys

  • display_labelstring, mandatory

    The unique name for the global picklist, which will be displayed in the CRM UI. A maximum of 50 characters are allowed.

  • descriptionstring, optional

    Represents the description for the global picklist. A maximum of 1000 characters are allowed.

  • pick_list_values_sorted_lexicallyboolean, optional

    It represents the sort order preference for the global set values. 
    Possible values are : true - alphabetical order, false - given order

  • pick_list_valuesJSON array, mandatory

    Contains the details of different values of the global set.

    • display_valuestring, optional (mandatory - when you create a new option)

      The unique label displayed in the CRM interface for a specific value. A maximum of 120 characters are allowed.
      Please note that emojis and special characters are not allowed in the display value. This key is mandatory when you create a new option.

    • actual_valuestring, optional

      It represents the unique actual value associated with the particular option. Please note that emojis and special characters are not allowed in the display value.

    • idstring, mandatory

      It represents the unique ID of an option. This key is mandatory when you an option. Use the GET - Global Picklists API to retrieve option IDs.

    • sequence_numberinteger, optional

      It represents the position of a value in a set of picklist options.

    • typestring, optional

      It represents whether the option is used or unused. A maximum of 1000 used options is allowed, and a maximum of 500 unused options is allowed.


  • You can create new options, or update or delete the existing options of a global picklist using this API.
  • To update a value in the picklist, you must provide the ID of the picklist value.
  • You cannot update a global picklist option when the picklist is scheduled for deletion.
  • You can delete only one option in a single API call. Note that you cannot delete an option which is associated with the features like Blueprint, Workflow, etc.
  • Options which are associated with record creation, Workflow, ABM mapping, and Process Flow cannot be  moved from used state to unused state
  • Options which are associated with fields update, record creation, Workflow, ABM mapping, and Process Flow cannot be deleted.
  • A global picklist can have upto 1000 used options and 500 unused options.

Sample Input

    "global_picklists": [
            "display_label": "Source1",
            "description": "desc1",
            "pick_list_values_sorted_lexically": true, // to change the order to alphabetical order
            "pick_list_values": [
                    "display_value": "Advertisement1", // updating the picklist display value
                    "sequence_number": 2, // updating the order of picklist value
                    "actual_value": "Advertisement2", // to change the picklist actual value
                    "id": "211111000000055940", // updating picklist id 
                    "type": "used" // to move the option to used state
                    "display_value": "Cold Call1",
                    "sequence_number": 2,
                    "actual_value": "Cold Call2",
                    "id": "211111000000055942", // picklist id to be updated
                    "type": "unused" // to move the option to unused state
                    "display_value": "Cold Call2",
                    "sequence_number": 3,
                    "actual_value": "Cold Call3",
                    "id": "211111000000051285",
                    "type": "unused",
                    "_delete": null // deleting the option from the global picklist
                    // to create new option id 
                    "display_value": "Employee 33",
                    "sequence_number": 1,
                    "actual_value": "Employee 44"

Possible Errors

    • The display_label contains an emoji or is null
    • The global picklist ID given seems to be invalid


    • Emojis and special characters are not allowed in the display value. Please specify a valid non-empty value.
    • Provide a valid unique ID of a global picklist. Use the GET Global Picklist API to obtain the unique ID for the global picklist and the IDs of the options within it.
    • The values in the picklist have reached their limit
    • The limit for the used or unused option has been reached.
    • Global picklists limit exceeded


    • A maximum of 1000 used options and 500 unused options can be added for a global set. Ensure that your global set options are within its limit.
    • You have already created the maximum number of global sets possible for your org. Refer to the feature-wise comparison of Zoho CRM Editions for more information.
    • Duplicate display_label
    • Duplicate display_value has been found among the picklist options


    • Ensure that the display_label for the global set is a unique value.
    • Verify that each display_value among picklist options is unique.

    One or more mandatory fields missing

    Resolution: To update an option in a global picklist, you must provide its corresponding ID or display_value.


    global picklist deletion in progress

    Resolution: Updating a global picklist is not possible while it is in the deletion process. Please specify a valid global picklist to update.


    The https request method type is not a valid one
    Resolution: You have specified an invalid HTTP method to access the API URL. Specify a valid request method. Refer to the endpoints section above.


    Resolution: The client does not have a valid scope to create global picklists. Create a valid token with the required scope. Refer to the scope section above.


    Authentication failed
    Resolution: Pass the access token in the request header of the API call.


    Please check if the URL trying to access is a correct one
    Resolution: The request URL specified is incorrect. Specify a valid request URL. Refer to the request URL section above.


    Internal Server Error
    Resolution: Unexpected and unhandled exception in the server. Contact support team.

Sample Response

    "global_picklists": [
            "code": "SUCCESS",
            "details": {
                "id": "2423488000000725001"
            "message": "global picklist updated successfully",
            "status": "success"