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Autoscan Receipts

Expenses, such as fuel charge, utilities, postage, supplies, computer equipment, or rental, are a part and parcel of any business. More often, you will be receiving receipts for the amount spent on these expenses. The information in these receipts can be captured in Zoho Billing by enabling the auto-scanning of receipts.

The autoscan feature in Zoho Billing lets you store all the receipts or bills incurred in your business. Once you enable this feature, all the uploaded receipts will be scanned and new expenses can be created instantly. You can also restrict who gets access to upload files into the Receipts Inbox (a folder where all your receipts are primarily stored before they are scanned).

Enable Autoscan

To start auto-scanning receipts in your Zoho Billing organisation:

Once you enable the autoscan option, you will be redirected to the Receipts Inbox page where you can upload receipts.

Insight: Autoscan is a process in which every document that has been emailed or uploaded, goes through automatic data capturing process. This functionality is currently optimized only for documents that are in English language.

Upload Receipts

You can upload the receipts into Zoho Billing in three ways:

Email Files to the Inbox

Instead of manually selecting and uploading receipts, you can choose to simply email them to a unique email address that Zoho Billing generates. All the files sent to this email address will be uploaded to the Receipts Inbox and will be scanned automatically.

To enable the email address:

Once you have uploaded the receipts, you can check the status of them in the Receipts Inbox. They can have one of the following four statuses:

Status Indicates
Scan in progress The receipt is being processed currently.
Processed The receipt has been auto-scanned and is ready to be converted into an expense.
Unreadable The auto-scanning has failed because of some issue with the uploaded receipt. This may result due to illegible data, images which cannot be interpreted, or when the language is not supported.
This file cannot be auto-scanned The format of the uploaded receipt is not supported. Convert it into a format that is supported and try uploading again.

Insight: You will be notified whenever the status of a receipt changes. On clicking the notification, you will be redirected to the Receipts Inbox.

Convert Receipt to an Expense

All the uploaded receipts can be converted into an expense easily. To do so:

Insight: Once a receipt has been converted into an expense, it will no longer be available in the Receipts Inbox. You can find it as an attachment along with the expense created from it. 

Document Level Permissions

You can grant access to a trusted individual, for example, an accountant, a bookkeeper, or a business partner — by inviting them as a User to your organisation, who can access the Documents module.

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