Get All Groups in Notes


This API is used to retrieve all group details of the user in Notes.

OAuth Scope

Use the scope

ZohoMail.notes.ALL (or) ZohoMail.notes.READ

to generate the Authtoken.

ALL - Grants full access to notes.

READ - Grants access to read notes.

Request URL

Method: GET


* - Mandatory parameter

Response Codes

Refer here for the response codes and their meaning.

Sample Request

Copiedcurl "" \
-X GET \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Authorization:Zoho-oauthtoken ***" \

Sample Response

   "status": {
       "code": 200,
       "description": "success"
   "data": [
           "groupId": "84626808",
           "name": "test1"
           "groupId": "78762952",
           "name": "test2"
           "groupId": "79002274",
           "name": "test3"
           "groupId": "84789189",
           "name": "test4"
           "groupId": "78838763",
           "name": "test5"