Get All Shared Bookmarks
This API is used to retrieve the list of all the shared bookmarks and their details.
OAuth Scope
Use the scope
ZohoMail.links.ALL (or) ZohoMail.links.READ
to generate the Authtoken.
ALL - Grants full access to links.
READ - Grants read access to links.
Request URL
Method: GET
Query Parameters
- action* string
- This parameter represents the type of action performed.
- Allowed value : view.
- view* string
- This parameter specifies the view action.
- Allowed value : sharedtome
- fields string (comma-separated list)
- This parameter specifies the details associated with the bookmark that you wish to retrieve.
- Allowed values:
- title
- This parameter specifies the title of the bookmark.
- summary
- This parameter specifies the summary of the bookmark.
- link
- This parameter specifies the link.
- linkMetaInfo
- This parameter specifies the metadata associated with the link.
- collectionName
- This parameter specifies the collection name with which the bookmarks are associated with.
- title
- Example: fields=title,summary,link
- If no field is entered, all the details will be retrieved.
- after int
- This parameter specifies from which retrieval has to be done.
- Allowed values : 1 to (Number of Bookmarks)
- limit int
- This parameter specifies the number of bookmarks to retrieve.
- Allowed values : 1 to 399.
- Default value : 20.
- isPrev boolean
- This parameter specifies whether the retrieval should be in ascending or descending order based on created time.
- Allowed values :
- true - To retrieve in ascending order.
- false - To retrieve in descending order.
- Default value : false.
* - Mandatory parameter
Response Codes
Refer here for the response codes and their meaning.
Sample Request
Copiedcurl ",content" \
-X GET \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Authorization:Zoho-oauthtoken *****"
Sample Success Response
"status": {
"code": 200,
"description": "success"
"data": {
"pagination": {
"next": ",content"
"list": [
"namespaceId": "84562355",
"entityId": "1712123191509110002",
"title": ""
"namespaceId": "84562355",
"entityId": "1712055358708110001",
"title": "zoho link"
Sample Failure Response
"data": {
"errorCode": "INVALID_METHOD"
"status": {
"code": 404,
"description": "Invalid Input"