Get a specific group details


This API is used to retrieve the details of a specific group in an organization.

OAuth Scope

Use the scope

ZohoMail.organization.groups.ALL (or) ZohoMail.organization.groups.READ

to generate the Authtoken.

ALL - Full access to groups.

READ - Read the details of the groups.

Request URL

Method : GET{zoid}/groups/{zgid}

Path Parameters

  • zoid* long
    • This parameter denotes the unique Zoho Organization Identifier for the organization.
    • This parameter can be retrieved from the Organization Details API.
  • zgid* long
    • This parameter is used to identify the group from which the data has to be retrieved. This is generated during group addition.
    • This parameter can be retrieved from the Get all groups API.


* - Mandatory parameter

Response Codes

Refer here for the response codes and their meaning.

Sample Request

Copiedcurl "***293/groups/25606***" \
-X GET \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Authorization:Zoho-oauthtoken ***" \

Sample Response

    "status": {
        "code": 200,
        "description": "success"
    "data": {
        "groupAdminSettings": {
            "mailboxSendRights": false,
            "mailboxId": 1003505000086071280,
            "adminNotify": true,
            "suppressMailOnMemAdd": false,
            "authorNotify": false,
            "holdOrBounce": "hold",
            "accessType": "Organization",
            "postApprovedNotify": false,
            "spamMarkPermission": false,
            "isNotToCc": false,
            "moderationApprovalOption": "APPROVE",
            "moderationTTL": 0,
            "spamApproval": false
        "pendingInvitation": 0,
        "policyName": "Default Policy",
        "mailboxId": 1003505000086071280,
        "accountCreationTime": 1695289080370,
        "iamGroupExist": true,
        "emailId": "",
        "isLogoExist": false,
        "URI": "https://mail.******.com/api/organization/77***188/groups/79162338",
        "blockDetails": [],
        "groupMemberCount": 2,
        "accessType": "Organization",
        "zgid": 79162338,
        "mailGroupMemberList": [
                "lastName": "",
                "postApproval": "accept",
                "role": "member",
                "memberEmailId": "",
                "displayName": "paula",
                "zuid": 77972299,
                "firstName": "paula",
                "ackStatus": false,
                "sendAsRight": false,
                "memberType": "orgUser",
                "deliveryOption": "default",
                "failureCount": 0,
                "status": "active"
                "lastName": "",
                "postApproval": "accept",
                "role": "member",
                "memberEmailId": "",
                "displayName": "david",
                "zuid": 78569868,
                "firstName": "david",
                "ackStatus": false,
                "sendAsRight": false,
                "memberType": "externalUser",
                "deliveryOption": "default",
                "failureCount": 0,
                "status": "deactive"
        "streamsEnabled": false,
        "policyId": "1003505000083168060",
        "mbtype": "2",
        "groupDescription": "",
        "name": "onegroup",
        "groupGeneralSettings": {
            "mailboxId": 1003505000086071280,
            "notifSubscription": true,
            "bounceThreshold": 10
        "groupRestrictionCount": 2,
        "mailModerationcount": 0,
        "groupRestrictionList": [
                "access": "accept",
                "data": "",
                "type": "address"
                "access": "accept",
                "data": "",
                "type": "domain"
        "groupTextSettings": {
            "ackStatusText": "Your message has been processed in the state of :",
            "adminNonMemberApprovalText": "As list administrator, your authorization is required for the  following mailing list posting.<br>Reason : Post by Non-Member to the list ",
            "memberApprovalText": "Message has been waiting for moderator approval : ",
            "autoResponseText": "Auto-response for your message to the list : ",
            "bounceText": "A message could not be delivered to its recipients :",
            "unSubscriptionText": "You have been unsubscribed from the mailing list : ",
            "spamApprovalText": "This message has been waiting for moderator approval.<br>Reason : Its a spam post ",
            "adminMemberApprovalText": "Message has been waiting for moderator approval :<br>Reason : Member post awaits for approval<br> ",
            "mailboxId": 1003505000086071280,
            "subscriptionText": "You have been subscribed to this mailling list. You can now send and receive mails addressed to this group ",
            "rejectText": "Your mail was rejected due to Policy Violation.",
            "isNotToOrCcText": "This message has been waiting for moderator approval.<br>Reason : listId is not present in the to or cc field "