GET - Get a Specific Account Details
This API is used to retrieve details of a specific account.
OAuth Scope
Use the scope
ZohoMail.accounts.ALL (or) ZohoMail.accounts.READ
to generate the Authtoken.
ALL - Grants full access to accounts.
READ - Grants access to read account information.
Request URL
Method: GET{accountId}
Path Parameters
- accountId* long
- This parameter is used to identify the account whose details are retrieved.
- This parameter can be retrieved from the Get User Account Details API.
* - Mandatory parameter
Response Codes
Refer here for the response codes and their meaning.
Sample Request
Copiedcurl "" \
-X GET \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Authorization:Zoho-oauthtoken *****"
Sample Response
Copied {
"status": {
"code": 200,
"description": "success"
"data": {
"country": "us",
"lastLogin": 1708054510447,
"mxStatus": true,
"activeSyncEnabled": false,
"mobileNumber": "",
"incomingBlocked": false,
"language": "en",
"type": "ZOHO_ACCOUNT",
"extraStorage": {},
"incomingUserName": "",
"emailAddress": [
"isAlias": false,
"isPrimary": true,
"mailId": "",
"isConfirmed": true
"mailboxStatus": "enabled",
"popBlocked": false,
"usedStorage": 143295,
"spamcheckEnabled": true,
"imapAccessEnabled": true,
"timeZone": "America/Los_Angeles",
"accountCreationTime": 1682488069407,
"zuid": 809451734,
"webBlocked": false,
"planStorage": 100,
"firstName": "rebecca",
"accountId": "2560636000000008002",
"sequence": 1,
"mailboxAddress": "",
"lastPasswordReset": 1682488070541,
"tfaEnabled": false,
"phoneNumer": "",
"status": true,
"lastName": "training",
"accountDisplayName": "rebecca_training",
"role": "member",
"gender": "NOT_SPECIFIED",
"accountName": "zylker",
"displayName": "rebecca training",
"isLogoExist": false,
"URI": "",
"primaryEmailAddress": "",
"enabled": true,
"mailboxCreationTime": 1682488072077,
"basicStorage": "professional",
"lastClient": "WEB_ZM",
"allowedStorage": 104857600,
"sendMailDetails": [
"sendMailId": "2560636000000008004",
"displayName": "rebecca training",
"serverName": "",
"signatureId": "null",
"serverPort": 25,
"userName": "",
"connectionType": "plain",
"mode": "mailbox",
"validated": false,
"fromAddress": "",
"smtpConnection": 0,
"validationRequired": true,
"validationState": 0,
"status": true
"sendMailId": "2560636000000082001",
"verifyCode": 200193088841352729,
"displayName": "rebeccatraining",
"serverName": "",
"signatureId": "null",
"serverPort": 25,
"userName": "",
"connectionType": "plain",
"mode": "extfrom",
"validated": false,
"fromAddress": "",
"smtpConnection": 0,
"validationRequired": true,
"validationState": 0,
"status": false
"sendMailId": "2560636000000143001",
"verifyCode": 5686021185181369376,
"displayName": "ckrbjr nb",
"serverName": "",
"signatureId": "null",
"serverPort": 25,
"userName": "",
"connectionType": "plain",
"mode": "extfrom",
"validated": false,
"fromAddress": "",
"smtpConnection": 0,
"validationRequired": true,
"validationState": 0,
"status": false
"popFetchTime": -1,
"address": {
"country": "",
"streetAddr": "",
"city": "",
"postalCode": "",
"state": ""
"planType": 82,
"userExpiry": -1,
"popAccessEnabled": true,
"imapBlocked": false,
"iamUserRole": "member",
"outgoingBlocked": false,
"policyId": {
"1082700000003462021": "home POLICY1.",
"zoid": 3226386
"smtpStatus": true,
"extraEDiscoveryStorage": {}