List Emails
The API retrieves a list of all the emails in a specific folder or a list of emails based on predefined conditions like status/flags/labels, and more.
OAuth Scope
Use the scope
ZohoMail.messages.ALL (or) ZohoMail.messages.READ
to generate the Authtoken.
ALL - Grants full access to messages.
READ - Grants access to read messages.
Request URL
Method: GET{accountId}/messages/view
Path Parameters
- accountId* long
- This key is used to identify the account from which the emails have to be retrieved. It is generated during account addition.
- This parameter can be fetched from Get All User Accounts API.
Query Parameters
- folderId long
- This parameter specifies the unique identifier for the folder from which the emails need to be retrieved.
- This can be fetched using the Get all folders API.
- start int
- This parameter specifies the starting sequence number of the emails to be retrieved.
- The default value is 1.
- limit int
- This parameter specifies the number of emails to be retrieved from the start value mentioned.
- Allowed values : Min. value: 1 and max. value: 200.
- The default value is 10.
- status string
- Provide this parameter to retrieve emails by read or unread status.
- The value can be
- read
- unread
- all
- The default value is all.
- flagid int
- This parameter specifies the unique identifier for the flag used to retrieve emails based on a specific flag type.
- Possible values :
- 0 - flag_not_set
- 1 - info
- 2 - important
- 3 - followup
- labelid long
- This parameter specifies the unique identifier for the label used to retrieve emails based on a specific label.
- threadId long
- This parameter specifies the unique identifier for the flag used to retrieve emails of the given threadId.
- sortBy string
- This parameter specifies on which basis the sorting of the list of emails should be done.
- The values can be
- date
- messageId
- size
- The default value is date.
- sortorder boolean
- This parameter specifies on which basis the sorting of the list of emails should be done.
- The value can be
- true, for ascending order
- false, for descending order
- The default value is false.
- includeto boolean
- This parameter allows you to indicate whether to details need to be included or not on the list of emails retrieved.
- The value can be
- true, to include to details
- false, to not include to details.
- The default value is false.
- includesent boolean
- This parameter allows you to indicate whether sent emails need to be included or not on the list of emails retrieved.
- The value can be
- true, to include sent emails
- false, to not include sent emails.
- The default value is false.
- includearchive boolean
- This parameter allows you to indicate whether archived emails need to be included or not on the list of emails retrieved.
- The value can be
- true, to include archived emails
- false, to not include archived emails.
- The default value is false.
- attachedMails boolean
- Provide this parameter to retrieve only the emails with attachments.
- The value can be
- true, to retrieve the emails with attachments.
- false, to retrieve all emails.
- The default value is false.
- inlinedMails boolean
- Provide this parameter to retrieve only the emails with inline images.
- The value can be
- true, to retrieve the emails with inline images.
- false, to retrieve all emails.
- The default value is false.
- flaggedMails boolean
- Provide this parameter to retrieve only flagged emails.
- The value can be
- true, to retrieve flagged emails.
- false, to retrieve all emails.
- The default value is false.
- respondedMails boolean
- Provide this parameter to retrieve only emails with replies.
- The value can be
- true, to retrieve emails with replies.
- false, to retrieve all emails.
- The default value is false.
- threadedMails boolean
- Provide this parameter to retrieve emails that are a part of conversations.
- The value can be
- true, to retrieve threaded emails.
- false, to retrieve all emails.
- The default value is false.
* - Mandatory parameter
Response Codes
Refer here for the response codes and their meaning.
Sample Request
Copiedcurl "" \
-X GET \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Authorization:Zoho-oauthtoken *****"
Sample Response
"status": {
"code": 200,
"description": "success"
"data": [
"summary": "reply test On Fri, 08 Mar 2024 07:31:31 +0000 rebecca<> wrote -",
"sentDateInGMT": "1709867251000",
"calendarType": 0,
"subject": "Re: Hello ",
"messageId": "1709887058769100001",
"threadCount": "0",
"flagid": "flag_not_set",
"status2": "0",
"priority": "3",
"hasInline": "false",
"toAddress": ""rebecca"<>",
"folderId": "9000000002014",
"ccAddress": "Not Provided",
"threadId": "1709883095364100001",
"hasAttachment": "0",
"size": "1190",
"sender": "rebecca",
"receivedTime": "1709887053409",
"fromAddress": "",
"status": "1"
"summary": "",
"sentDateInGMT": "1709863291000",
"calendarType": 0,
"subject": "ckjrjv rw",
"messageId": "1709883097133100003",
"threadCount": "0",
"flagid": "flag_not_set",
"status2": "1",
"priority": "3",
"hasInline": "false",
"toAddress": ""rebecca"<>",
"folderId": "9000000002014",
"ccAddress": "Not Provided",
"threadId": "1709883095364100001",
"hasAttachment": "0",
"size": "550",
"sender": "rebecca",
"receivedTime": "1709883095346",
"fromAddress": "",
"status": "1"
"summary": "Hello Sent using Zoho Mail",
"sentDateInGMT": "1709856410000",
"calendarType": 0,
"subject": "Test",
"messageId": "1709876210189100007",
"threadCount": "0",
"flagid": "flag_not_set",
"status2": "0",
"priority": "3",
"hasInline": "false",
"toAddress": ""rebecca"<>",
"folderId": "9000000002014",
"ccAddress": "Not Provided",
"threadId": "1709876209452100005",
"hasAttachment": "0",
"size": "873",
"sender": "test csez",
"receivedTime": "1709876210144",
"fromAddress": "",
"status": "0"
"summary": "Hello Sent using Zoho Mail",
"sentDateInGMT": "1709856409000",
"calendarType": 0,
"subject": "Test",
"messageId": "1709876209452100005",
"threadCount": "0",
"flagid": "flag_not_set",
"status2": "0",
"priority": "3",
"hasInline": "false",
"toAddress": ""rebecca"<>",
"folderId": "9000000002014",
"ccAddress": "Not Provided",
"threadId": "1709876209452100005",
"hasAttachment": "0",
"size": "873",
"sender": "test csez",
"receivedTime": "1709876209407",
"fromAddress": "",
"status": "0"
"summary": "Hello Sent using Zoho Mail",
"sentDateInGMT": "1709856408000",
"calendarType": 0,
"subject": "Test",
"messageId": "1709876208302100003",
"threadCount": "0",
"flagid": "flag_not_set",
"status2": "0",
"priority": "3",
"hasInline": "false",
"toAddress": ""rebecca"<>",
"folderId": "9000000002014",
"ccAddress": "Not Provided",
"threadId": "1709876207719100001",
"hasAttachment": "0",
"size": "873",
"sender": "test csez",
"receivedTime": "1709876208251",
"fromAddress": "",
"status": "0"
"summary": "Hello Sent using Zoho Mail",
"sentDateInGMT": "1709856407000",
"calendarType": 0,
"subject": "Test",
"messageId": "1709876207719100001",
"threadCount": "0",
"flagid": "flag_not_set",
"status2": "0",
"priority": "3",
"hasInline": "false",
"toAddress": ""rebecca"<>",
"folderId": "9000000002014",
"ccAddress": "Not Provided",
"threadId": "1709876207719100001",
"hasAttachment": "0",
"size": "873",
"sender": "test csez",
"receivedTime": "1709876207661",
"fromAddress": "",
"status": "0"
"summary": "Hello Sent using Zoho Mail",
"sentDateInGMT": "1709856390000",
"calendarType": 0,
"subject": "Test",
"messageId": "1709876190693100009",
"flagid": "info",
"status2": "0",
"priority": "3",
"hasInline": "false",
"toAddress": ""rebecca"<>",
"folderId": "9000000002014",
"ccAddress": "Not Provided",
"hasAttachment": "0",
"size": "873",
"sender": "test csez",
"receivedTime": "1709876190649",
"fromAddress": "",
"status": "0"
"summary": "Hello Sent using Zoho Mail",
"sentDateInGMT": "1709856388000",
"calendarType": 0,
"subject": "Test",
"messageId": "1709876188821100007",
"flagid": "important",
"status2": "0",
"priority": "3",
"hasInline": "false",
"toAddress": ""rebecca"<>",
"folderId": "9000000002014",
"ccAddress": "Not Provided",
"hasAttachment": "0",
"size": "873",
"sender": "test csez",
"receivedTime": "1709876188776",
"fromAddress": "",
"status": "1"
"summary": "Hello Sent using Zoho Mail",
"sentDateInGMT": "1709856387000",
"calendarType": 0,
"subject": "Test",
"messageId": "1709876187841100005",
"flagid": "flag_not_set",
"status2": "0",
"priority": "3",
"hasInline": "false",
"toAddress": ""rebecca"<>",
"folderId": "9000000002014",
"ccAddress": "Not Provided",
"hasAttachment": "0",
"size": "873",
"sender": "test csez",
"receivedTime": "1709876187797",
"fromAddress": "",
"status": "0"
"summary": "Hello Sent using Zoho Mail",
"sentDateInGMT": "1709856386000",
"calendarType": 0,
"subject": "Test",
"messageId": "1709876186914100003",
"flagid": "flag_not_set",
"status2": "0",
"priority": "3",
"hasInline": "false",
"toAddress": ""rebecca"<>",
"folderId": "9000000002014",
"ccAddress": "Not Provided",
"hasAttachment": "0",
"size": "873",
"sender": "test csez",
"receivedTime": "1709876186869",
"fromAddress": "",
"status": "0"