
The API changes the general settings, along with the text parameters used in various group actions for the group. 

 Request URL




 Request Parameters

ParameterData TypeDescription
groupGeneralSettingVOVOVO Object for Groups General settings
mailboxIdlongMail Box ID for which the settings shoulf be updated
subjectPrefixStringWhether the Subject should be prefixed for the emails sent to the group. 
replyToStringReply To Email Address that needs to be set for the Group mail account. Default value is the Group email address
bounceThresholdIntNumber of bounces, after which the user account, for whom the emails cannot be delivered to, should be disabled for group delivery. 
notifSubscriptionbooleanWhether the notification is required for the Group account or not. 
grpTxtSettingsVOVOVO Object for group text values.
mailboxIdlongMail Box ID for which the text values should be set.
subscriptionTextstringEmail to be sent to the user, when the user is added to the group. 
unSubscriptionTextstringEmail to be sent to the user, when the user unsubscribes or is removed from the group. 
rejectTextstringEmail to be sent to the sender, when an email to the group is rejected.
autoResponseTextstringAuto response text to be sent to the sender, when he sends an email to the group. 
memberApprovalTextstringEmail to be sent to the group when an email from a member is approved and delivered to the group. 
adminMemberApprovalTextstringEmail to be sent to the admin, when an email is held for moderation. 
ackStatusTextstringEmail to be sent to the sender, as an acknowledgemnt when an email is held for moderation. 
bounceTextstringEmail to be sent as bounce message, when an email is bounced and rejected during moderation. 
isNotToOrCcTextstringEmail to be sent when the email is bounced, when an email is bcced to the group. 
spamApprovalTextstringEmail to be sent to the administrator when an email, suspected as Spam is approved and delivered to the group. 

* - Mandatory parameter

 Response Codes

Please refer Response Codes.

Sample Request

    "groupGeneralSettings": {
        "bounceThreshold": 11,
        "replyTo": "marketing@zylkernew.com",
        "mailboxId": 1000000009001,
        "notifSubscription": 1,
        "subjectPrefix": "abc"
    "groupTextSettings": {
        "bounceText": "Your email to the marketing@zylkernew.com cannot be delivered due to the Group rules",
        "adminNonMemberApprovalText": "Your email to the group marketing@zylkernew.com has been approved and delivered to the group.",
        "ackStatusText": "Your email to the group marketing@zylkernew.com has been held for review by the moderator and is in moderation queue",
        "adminMemberApprovalText": "Your email to the group marketing@zylkernew.com has been approved and delivered to the group.",
        "subscriptionText": "You have been added as a member of the group and you will receive emails sent to marketing@zylkernew.com",
        "unSubscriptionText": "You have been un-subscribed from the group marketing@zylkernew.com and you will no longer receive emails sent to the group.",
        "mailboxId": 1000000009001,
        "rejectText": "Your email sent to the group marketing@zylkernew.com was considered inappropriate to the group and was rejected by the moderator.",
        "autoResponseText": "Thanks for your email to marketing@zylkernew.com.",
        "memberApprovalText": "Your email sent to the group marketing@zylkernew.com was approved by the moderator and sent to the group.",
        "spamApprovalText": "An email suspected as spam has been approved and delivered to the group",
        "isNotToOrCcText": "An email was rejected as the group email address was not in To/ Cc and the group cannot accept bcc emails. "
    "mode": "updateMailGroupOptions"