Functions in Bills

Let us have a look at some of the functions that can be performed on Bills in Zoho Books.


Apply Credits to Bill

If you have recorded vendor credits for a particular vendor, you can apply these credits to their bills. Here’s how:

Use Credits Apply Credits

Create an Invoice for a Bill

If you have a line item in a bill that you’ve marked as billable to the customer, you can create an invoice for the bill with those billable items. Here’s how:

Create Invoice from Bill

If you had given a markup percentage for the billable item in the bill, the marked up amount will be displayed along with the rate of the line item in the invoice.

Markup Percentage

Delete Applied Credits

You can delete the credits that you have applied across the vendor’s various bills.

Delete Applied Credits

Set Expected Payment Date

You can enter an expected payment date by which you wish to make payment for your bill. Here’s how:

Expected Payment Date Expected Payment Date

You can find the expected payment date in the Comments & History section of the bill. To delete this date:

Delete Expected Payment Date

Create Vendor Credits

You can create vendor credits for any bill. When you do so, all the items in the bill will be included in the vendor credit.

To create a vendor credit:

Create Vendor Credits Create Vendor Credits New Vendor Credit

Insight: Once you create a vendor credit for the bill, it will automatically be applied to the bill, and the bill’s status will change to Paid. If the vendor credit amount exceeds the bill amount, then the entire payment for the bill will be recorded and the excess amount will be stored as the balance amount for the vendor credit.

Customize Template

You can customize the format of your bill’s PDF. Here’s how:

Customize Template

Learn more about Templates and Bill Templates.

Landed Costs

The Landed Cost of a product is the cost incurred while bringing a product that you have purchased from your vendor into your warehouse. This cost is exclusive of the cost of goods. Few examples of landed costs include freight, shipping charges, customs and other charges that the seller may incur till they procures the goods.

Tracking the landed costs help you calculate the actual cost in receiving the product(s). This, in turn, will help you to decide the selling price for your stock without compromising your profits.

Enable Landed Costs

To enable landed costs in Zoho Books:

Enable Landed Costs

You will be able to enable landed costs only if you have enabled inventory tracking for your organization. If you haven’t enabled it yet, mark the box I would like to enable Inventory in the same page (Settings > Itmes > Items).

Allocate Landed Costs

Once you have enabled landed costs for your organization, you will be able to add and allocate them to the items in your bills.

Step 1: Adding Landed Costs to Bills

You can allocate landed costs directly to the whole bill itself.

Landed Costs in Bills

Landed Costs can be allocated only to items for which inventory is tracked.

Step 2: Allocate Landed Costs to Items in the Bill

You can allocate landed costs to different items in a bill. There are three ways of doing this:

  1. Allocate landed costs while creating a bill
Landed Costs in Bills

You can also choose not to allocate any landed costs to that particular bill and allocate them to other bills.

  1. Allocate landed costs to an existing bill

If you have already added landed cost(s) to a bill but not yet allocated them to its items, you can choose to allocate it.

Allocate Landed Costs Allocate Landed Costs Allocate Landed Costs

Pro Tip: You can also edit bills created earlier to add landed costs to them and allocate it.

Allocating Landed Costs from One Bill to Another

There may be cases where your vendor does not offer any shipping for the product and you get it shipped by another shipping agency. In such a case, you can create a separate bill with just the landed costs and apply them to your vendor’s bill. You can also apply any unused landed costs from other bills. To do this:

Allocate Landed Costs Allocate Landed Costs

Next >
Manage Bills


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