Integrate Zoho Books with Stripe

Stripe is a leading payment service provider that lets businesses collect payments securely. You can collect one-time and recurring payments from multiple countries and currencies by integrating Zoho Books with Stripe.

Once integrated, you can also:

Note: Transaction charges are applicable as per Stripe’s pricing policy. Zoho does not charge any additional fees.

Set Up Stripe

Connect your Stripe Account

To get started, you will have to connect your Stripe account with Zoho Books. If you don’t have an account, you can create one and proceed with the integration.

To set up:

You will have successfully connected your Stripe account to Zoho Books. After which you will be redirected to Zoho Books, where you can configure bank feeds.

Configure Bank Feeds

You can configure accounts for bank feeds to track payments made through Stripe for invoices created in Zoho Books. This will help you match and reconcile transactions easily.

To configure accounts for bank feeds:

Once configured, these accounts will automatically track the Stripe transactions from Zoho Books. The feed integration will begin fetching transactions the day after setup and will continue fetching them daily thereafter.


  • To update these accounts, go to Payment Gateways, then click Edit Settings next to Stripe and select Edit under Bank Feeds.
  • If you no longer want to track these transactions, you can disable the feeds. To disable, go to Payment Gateways, then click Edit Settings next to Stripe and select Disable under Bank Feeds.

Payment Methods

Your customers can make payments using a variety of methods supported by Stripe, including cards, payment services, and bank transfers.

Note: In India, Stripe allows only credit card payments.


Stripe supports popular card brands such as Visa, MasterCard, American Express, JCB, Discover, and Diners Club. Customers can make secure payments using these cards.

Bank Transfers

iDEAL: A trusted payment option that enables customers in the Netherlands to make online payments through direct bank transfers via their trusted banks.

Bancontact: Bancontact facilitates online payments for customers in Belgium through mobile apps, QR codes, or the Bancontact website.

ACH: Customers in the US can make ACH payments by linking and verifying their bank accounts through micro-deposits or Stripe’s Financial Connections.

Buy Now, Pay Later (BNPL)

Klarna: Klarna provides flexible payment options, such as Pay in 30 Days or Pay in 3 or 4 installments, and is available in several countries across Europe, the US, and Australia.


Apple Pay: A payment service for iOS users that allows customers to pay securely using saved credit or debit cards.

Note: Apple Pay can be accessed only through the Safari browser.

Alipay: This payment solution enables customers in China to pay for goods and services through both online and offline modes.

Enable or Disable Payment Methods

By default, you can accept payments via credit cards. To accept payments through other methods, you must enable them manually.

Prerequisites: Enable the payment methods in your Stripe account under Settings > Payments > Payment Methods before you enable them in Zoho Books.

To enable the other payment methods:

Your customers will be able to pay using the enabled payment methods.

Collect Customer Payments

Enable Payment Options

After setting up the integration in Zoho Books, enable Stripe as a payment option in invoices to receive payments.

To enable:

Note: If you select multiple payment gateways, the last configured payment gateway will be used by default to receive payments.

Stripe will be chosen as the payment option to collect payments.

Receive Payments from Customers

After you’ve enabled Stripe as a payment option, your customers can pay through the shared link or the customer portal.

To make payments, your customers will have to:

Insight: Customers can also make payments from the invoices list page in the customer portal.

Note: Customers can check the Allow ‘Your Company Name’ to collect future charges automatically, or I authorise ‘Your Company Name’ to charge this bank account for future transactions automatically box to charge their card or bank for future invoices and recurring profiles.

Insight:Zoho Books supports Link by Stripe, which autofills customers’ payment information for faster checkouts. To use saved cards, customers must click link in the Card Number field and to sign up and save card details click Autofill link.

Once the payment is successful, you will receive an email regarding the payment made by your customer, and the invoice’s status will be marked as paid.

Charge Customers

You can charge your customers manually or automatically for the invoices using the saved cards or bank accounts. Learn how to associate a card or bank account with your customer.

Note: Bank accounts can be charged if you have enabled the Pay via Bank option in the customer’s Overview page.

Insight: If your customer no longer wants to be charged using a saved card, you can delete it in the customer’s Overview page.

Manual Charge

You can manually charge your customer’s card or bank account for one-time payments in Zoho Books.

To charge manually:

Insight: If you have not saved your customer’s card details, you can request payment information (recommended) or add them while charging.

You will have charged your customer for the invoice.


You can auto-charge your customers when you associate a card or bank account to your customer’s recurring invoice.

Prerequisites: Enable the Create, Charge, and Send Invoices option to auto-charge recurring invoices.

To associate and auto-charge a card:

Your customer’s card or bank account will be automatically charged when their invoice is due. If your customers don’t want to be auto-charged with the associated card, you can delete it.

To delete:

The associated card will be removed from the recurring invoice.

Track Stripe Transactions in Zoho Books

In Zoho Books, you can track your Stripe related transactions and activities in two ways:

  1. Track transactions through the Stripe clearing account
  2. Track transactions through reports

Track transactions through the Stripe Clearing account

All transactions processed through Stripe are fetched and displayed in the Stripe Clearing account. You can access this account from the list of accounts in the Banking module (this account will be created automatically once the integration is complete).

You can track and monitor these transactions by:

Insight: After Stripe settles the money to the bank account, a transfer fund will be created from Stripe clearing to the specified bank account in Zoho Books. The transfer fund will be equal to that of the money deposited by Stripe.

If Stripe owes you any amount, you can view it under Amount in Zoho Books at the top left corner of the page


Track transaction through Reports

You can track transactions and activities related to Stripe in Zoho Books by:

Additionally, you can monitor your sales information in your Stripe account directly.

Sync Customer Card Details

When a customer’s card details are updated or expired, Stripe works directly with card networks to fetch the updated information and sync it in Zoho Books automatically. To enable this feature, you will need to configure webhooks in your Stripe account.

To configure webhooks:

You will have configured webhooks to sync and update your customer’s card details.

Delete the Integration

If you no longer want to use Stripe integration, you can delete it. Before deleting, uncheck Stripe as a payment option in unpaid invoices and delete any associated card or bank accounts.


  • The bank feeds will be disabled. You will have to record payouts or refunds you issue for payments collected so far using Stripe manually.
  • Stripe is automatically enabled across all your Zoho Finance apps, so disabling it in one app will disable it in all other Zoho Finance apps.

To delete:

The Stripe integration will be deleted from your Zoho Books account.

Note: Deleting the integration will not delete the credit cards stored in Stripe.

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