Integrate Zoho Books with Zoho Mail

In business, it is common to send and receive mails from customers and vendors. Zoho Books now integrates with Zoho Mail to make sure that all conversations between a contact in Zoho Books and you are available within your Zoho Books organization. So, when you use the Zoho Mail integration, you can be assured that mails from your contacts doesn’t go unnoticed. 

Benefits of the Integration 

Prerequisite: An email account in Zoho Mail. 

Integrating with Zoho Mail

To integrate your Zoho Books organization with your Zoho Mail account:

Connect Zoho Mail

Alternatively, you can also:

Connect Zoho Mail-2

Viewing the Mail Activity

Once you have integrated with Zoho Mail, you can view the mails between your contact and you. To view the mails:

Mail Activity

The mail activity between your contact and you will now be visible. 

Adding Mails as Comments

The comments section in a transaction displays any updates made to a particular transaction for internal reference. When you have enabled the Zoho Mail integration, you will be able to associate an email to an invoice/quote and view them in the comments section. To do this:

Add to Invoice

Managing Attachments from Mails

The attachments that you receive from your mails can be added to your documents or can be attached to a quote or invoice for the contact’s reference. To do this:

Manage Attachments

You will now be able to create new invoices along with the attachments from the mail.


Add to Documents

Disabling the Integration

When you no longer want to fetch the mails, you can choose to disable the integration. To disable:

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