
Buying and selling goods on credit is a common practice in most businesses. While transacting on credit helps increase sales, it is important that businesses keep proper track of such transactions and remind their customers to pay back before their due date.

Zoho Books lets you send emails to your customers or users to remind them to make payments for their invoices or bills. You can send invoices manually or automate the process and start collecting payments quicker.

Configure Manual Reminders for Invoices

You will be able to send email reminders to customers for whom you have created an invoice. There are two cases where you can send them a reminder:

Reminders for Overdue Invoices: Send emails to remind customers to make payments for overdue invoices in case they’ve missed the due date.

Reminders for Sent Invoices: Send reminders to customers to know that their due dates are approaching.


These are enabled by default for all the customers. However, if you would like to configure them:

Once you have configured your reminders:


Automate Reminders for Invoices

Set up automatic payment reminders for your customer’s invoices and get paid faster. You will be able to set up reminders:

Based on Invoice Due Date

Zoho Books lets you send reminders to your customers based on their due date. By default, there are three reminders. You can choose to send reminders before or after their due date. Based on your preferences you can set the time interval for the invoices to be sent to your customers.


Pro Tip: Schedule reminders and get paid faster. Reminder 1 (the initial reminder) can be sent a few days before the invoice due date. Reminder 2 can be sent on the due date and the Reminder 3 (the final reminder) can be sent after the customer misses his due date.

To automate invoice reminders based on their due dates:

reminder-notifications Reminder Content

Once you have configured your reminders:

Invoice Reminder

If you have received payment for a particular invoice:

Once you have configured your reminders:

Based on Expected Payment Date

Reminders based on expected payment dates send the users of the org a notification that a particular payment is due. To enable this:

Invoice Expected Payment Date

To send a reminder based on the expected payment date:

Automate Reminders for Bills

You can also set up reminders to make payments for the bills you have received. Once set up, the users in your account will receive email reminders on or before the due date as configured by the admin. You will be able to send reminders based on the due date or the expected payment date of a bill.

Automated Reminder for Bills

To send reminders for bills:

Reminder for Bills

Note: You can add multiple reminders by clicking + New Reminder.

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