Zoho Books - Email Integration

Your interaction with your customers and vendors doesn’t just stop with you sending quotes or invoices. Apart from that, you might also be sending them emails from your personal email address, thanking them for their purchase or sending them important documents to be signed and so on.

Any transaction that you send out using Zoho Books would be a system generated mail. This means that your customers will have to reply to your personal email address. There is a chance that you might miss these emails in the huge stack of emails coming in everyday.

Not anymore. With the new Email Integration feature, you can now add your personal email address to your Zoho Books organisation, and the mails between this email address and the contact’s email address will be fetched directly into the Mails section under your contact in Zoho Books.

This document will walk you through the following:

A quick overview of email integration

Email integration overview

Configuring your email address

There are two ways by which you can configure your email address.

Method 1:

Enable button

Method 2:

Connect button

Choose email

Points to remember

What are the benefits of this feature?

Once the emails are fetched into your contact’s Mails, you can add the mail to the concerned Invoice, Quote or to the Contact Activity page, by clicking on the Add mail to drop-down as shown in the image below:

Add mail to

Also, if the mail contains attachments, you can attach them to the contact by clicking on the paperclip icon next to the Add mail to option, as shown in the image below:


Attachment contact

Note: You can attach upto 10 files, of 5 Mb each.

If the mail you are searching for hasn’t been fetched yet, click on the Refresh button on the top right corner.

Changing your integrated email address

You can change your email address by clicking on the email address, and selecting Configure Emails, as shown below:

Configure Disconnect

You can also do it by going to Integrations > Other Apps > Configure Emails.


If you wish to switch your email address, you will have to disconnect the existing one and connect the new email address.

Disabling integration

To disable the email integration:

Disable button

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