Custom Dashboards

Zoho Books allows you to create custom dashboards to get a specific overview of your business. Using custom dashboards, you can add new components that provide insights on the key metrics of your business. Also, you can reorder and resize the components so that you get to see what’s important at a glance.

Note: This feature is available only in the Elite and Ultimate plans of Zoho Books.

Create Custom Dashboards

Prerequisite: If you want to invite a user to your organisation to view and manage dashboards, ensure that you have provided the necessary permissions before you invite the user. However, all admins in your organisation will be able to view and manage custom dashboards by default.

You can create multiple custom dashboards in Zoho Books. Here’s how:

The custom dashboard has been created. You can now add the required components to it in the dashboard setup page.

Add Components to the Custom Dashboard

The custom dashboard consists of two different components:

Predefined Components

Zoho Books has predefined components that are available by default. You can create a custom dashboard and add these components to it. Here’s how:

The predefined component will now be displayed in the custom dashboard.

Report Components

It displays the list of reports and custom reports that you can choose to display on the dashboard.

To add a report component:

Component Description
Sales This component provides a summary of all the sales transactions with respect to Sales By Customers, Sales By Items, and Sales By Salesperson in your organisation.
Receivables It contains a list of reports about the amount your customers owe you.
Payments Received It contains a list of reports about the payments you have received from your customers.
Payables It contains a list of reports about the amount that you are yet to pay your vendors.
Purchases and Expenses It contains a list of reports about the Purchase and Expense transactions you have recorded in Zoho Books.
Custom Reports It contains a list of custom reports you generated, based on the preferences you had set in the existing reports.
Field Description
Time Period Select the time period for which you want to create the component. The time period for a component can be Today, This Week, This Month, This Quarter, This Year, etc.
Component Name Enter the name of the component.
Description Provide a short description about why you are creating the component.
Report Component Details
Field Description
Chart Type Select the chart type of the report component. It can be a Pie Chart, Bar Chart, or a Line Chart.
X-Axis Field Select the required X-Axis field. You can add the details of the component, like Item Name or Customer Name.
Y-Axis Field Select the required Y-Axis field. You can add the measurable details of the component, like Amount or Quantity.
Report Component Preferences

The report components will now be displayed in the custom dashboard.

Other Actions

You can also perform various actions on the Dashboard Setup page, like:

Reorder Components

Once you add components to your custom dashboard, you can reorder them based on your preference. Here’s how:

Resize Components

Note: You can only resize and edit the report components.

To resize the report components:

Edit Components

To edit a component:

Delete Components

To delete a component:

Dashboard Lists

To view the custom dashboard that you’ve created:

Dashboard Category Description
Created By Me It contains the list of custom dashboards that you’ve created.
Shared With Me It contains the list of dashboards that the other users in the organisation have shared with you.
Created By Other Users It contains the list of custom dashboards that are created by the other users of your organisation. You will only be able to view this list if you are an admin.
System Dashboard It contains the default dashboard of your Zoho Books organisation.

You can now use the custom dashboard to get a specific overview of your business.

Mark as Favorite

If you have multiple custom dashboards, and frequently use a certain ones, you can mark them as favorites for easier access.

To do so:

These custom dashboards will now be available as tabs under the Dashboard tab.

Marked as Favorite

Note: You can mark up to a maximum of three dashboards as favorite.

Provide Access to Manage Dashboards

If you want to invite users to your organisation to manage the custom dashboards, you will have to create a new role with specified permissions and associate it to the required users. Here’s how:

Dashboard Permissions

After creating a role with the required permissions, you can associate the role to the users and invite them to your organisation.

Other Actions in Dashboard

In the Dashboard tab, you can perform various actions after creating a custom dashboard.

Edit Dashboards

To edit the custom dashboard:

You can also edit the components when you edit a custom dashboard.

Delete Dashboards

To delete a custom dashboard:

Note: You will not be able to edit, reorder, or delete the default dashboard.

Reorder Dashboards

To reorder the components in your dashboard:

The components in the custom dashboard will be reordered.

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