Error Codes in Bulk API

This section lists all possible error codes that could be sent from the Zoho Analytics server on failure of Bulk APIs. You can use this for appropriate error handling.


7103The workspace id mentioned in the API does not exist.Provide the valid workspace id.
7111A table with the same name already exist.Provide an alternative name.
7138The view id mentioned in the API URL does not exist.Check the view id in the request URL and provide a valid view id.
7232Import Aborted.Check the error message returned.
7235Not even a single column name provided in source file matches with the column data in table.Check whether the column name in source data matches with column names present in analytics table.
NOTE:Also check whether the config fileType is provided with proper value.
7248The file content is not \"multipart/form-data\" format.Check whether the file is passed as multipart-form data.
7249The file cannot be imported.Verify whether the file content is same as the "fileType" provided.
7403Parsing of SQL query failed.Check the SQL syntax provided is valid.
7507Value entered in the mentioned column does not follow the specified data-type.Check the value of that column and provide value in the specified data-type.
7511Mentioned Column is a mandatory column.Should specify the value for that mandatory column.
8002Specified criteria is invalid.Provide valid criteria.
8004The column mentioned in the criteria is not present in the table.Check the column name and provide valid name.
8016You need to have at-least one column for INSERT or UPDATE action.You should provide at-least one column with value.
8046Not even one column in the selected columns list is valid.Check whether the column name provided is present in the table.
8119Invalid value provided for the attribute.Check the value for the attribute provided is valid.
8120Export job not found.Check the export job id provided is valid and not expired.
8121Export job not initiated.Check the export job is completed before downloadin the data.
8122Export job not completed.Check the export job is completed before downloadin the data.
8124Export job access denied.Only the user created the job can access the job.
8137Import job not found.Check the import job id provided is valid and not expired.
8138Import job access denied.Only the user created the job can access the job.
8504The required parameter is not proper or has not been sent.Send the parameter with valid data.
8506The mentioned parameter has been sent more than the required count.Check and remove that extra parameter mentioned in the response.
8513The file size is more than the supported size.File size should be less than the mentioned size.
8516Invalid value passed in the mentioned parameter.Provide the valid data to the mentioned parameter.

Sample Error:

CopiedHTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request

    "status": "failure",
    "data": {
        "errorCode": 7111,
        "errorMessage": "A Table with the name Sales already exists in this workspace. Please provide an alternate name."