Manage Timesheet

The timesheet that you record for your customers can be filtered and sorted in many ways.


Filter Timesheet

You can filter time entries based on their Status, Period, Customer, Project and User

Filter Timesheet

Let’s see how to filter the timesheet based on statuses:

Filter Timesheet

Similarly you can filter the other columns as well.

Sort Timesheet

You can sort the timesheet based on their different columns or fields. Here’s how:

Sort Timesheet

Calendar View

You can view the timesheet in a list view as well as in the Calendar View. The calendar view shows the tasks performed and the hours spent on that particular task in a calendar format. You can also add a new entry for a particular day.

To view your timesheet in the Calendar View:

Calendar View Timesheet Calendar View Timesheet

To add a new entry:


To edit the entry:

Insight: You can view the total number of hours spend on that particular month at the bottom of the page.

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Other Actions in Timesheet


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