Users and Roles in Transaction Approvals

The Admin of an organization has access to approve transactions. However, you can further extend this privilege to other users by adding them as Approvers. You can add approvers in Zoho Books and enable different sales and purchase module approval permissions for them.


Configure Approvers

Approvers are users of the organization other than the Admins who have approval access.To add an approver:

Insight: You can duplicate an existing role by clicking the clone button.

Transaction Approval Transaction Approval

Enable Approval Permissions for Existing Users

The admins of an organization will be able to approve all transactions. However, there may be cases where the admin would like to permit other existing users to approve transactions. To enable approval permission for existing users:

Transaction Approval

Invite Users

Once you have added a new role for an approver and enabled appropriate permissions, you can assign this role to existing users or invite new users to the organization as approvers. To invite new users:

Transaction Approval

Immediately, an email will be sent to the prospective user. The user needs to click the Join Account link sent to him to start using Zoho Books.

Next >
Transaction Approval Workflow


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