Filing GSTR-1

GSTR-1 is a monthly return that contains the details of outward supplies of goods or services made by a regular taxpayer registered under the GST.

When is the last date to file GSTR-1?

The last date to file your GSTR-1 is based on your filing period and turnover.
The filing dates of quarterly return for registered persons with aggregate turnover up to 1.5 crore rupees:

The filing dates of monthly return for registered persons with aggregate turnover of more than 1.5 crore rupees:

Note: The filing date has been fixed as October 31, 2018 for all the monthly and quarterly returns that have to be filed. You can file your return for a previous period, if you had not filed them.

How do I file a GSTR-1 return?

You can either file your GSTR-1 return from Zoho Books or from the GST portal.

Filing GSTR-1 From Zoho Books

Prerequisites for Filing Returns Through Zoho Books

To file your GSTR-1 return through Zoho Books, ensure that you have enabled API Access for Zoho Books in the GST Portal. If you haven’t enabled it, follow the steps below to enable the API Access:

Here is a step by step guide to file your GSTR-1 return using Zoho:

Push Transactions to the GST Portal

To push your transactions to the GST portal:

Transaction Summary of GSTR-1 Update Document Issue Details page Transaction Summary of GSTR-1

Once the transactions have been successfully pushed and uploaded in the GST portal, you will receive a confirmation email and a notification in Zoho Books.
Note: If there are any errors, you can navigate to the Failed Transactions tab in the Push To GSTN section. You can edit the corresponding transactions and push them again.

File GSTR-1 Through Zoho Books

To file your return through Zoho Books:

Note: Zoho Books does not save your PAN details. It only transfers it to the GST securely for filing purposes.

Filing GSTR-1 Through the GST Portal

File GSTR-1 Through the GST Portal

To file your GSTR-1 return from the GST portal:

Mark Return as Filed in Zoho Books

Unfile GSTR-1

You will be able to unfile your return in Zoho Books if you’ve:

You can use the Mark as Unfiled option to unfile your return in Zoho Books. There are three cases where this is applicable and here’s what you should do.

Case 1: You’ve already filed your GSTR-1 in the GST portal

If you had not included certain transactions in your GSTR-1 but you had filed your returns, you can mark the return as ‘Unfiled’. In this case, you will have to include the transactions manually in the next return that you are filing.


If there’s any update in the transaction, you will have to amend them manually under section 9A/9C of GSTR-1 in the GST Portal for the next return that you file.

Case 2: You’ve not filed your GSTR-1 in GST portal

In case you had accidentally marked your return as filed without filing your return in the GST portal, you have the option to unfile it. In this case, once you mark it as unfiled, you can update your transactions and push the transactions again. The changes you’ve made will reflect in the GST Portal and you can file your returns.

Here’s how you can unfile your returns:

Case 3: You’ve filed your GSTR-1 directly through Zoho Books

In case you need to edit a transaction that you’ve included in your GSTR-1 filing that has been filed directly through Zoho Books, you can unfile your GSTR-1 return.

If you need to unfile a return that is not the recent GSTR-1 filing, you need to unfile all GSTR-1 returns from the most recent filing in reverse sequential order until you reach the return you want to unfile.

Note: Unfiling the GSTR-1 return that has been filed directly through Zoho Books will not unfile the return in the GST Portal.

Note: Any changes you make to transactions after unfiling your GSTR-1 return should be manually amended when you file your future returns.

Reconcile your GSTR-2
File your GSTR-3B  

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